“If the Earth is Flat, Why is My Life Going Downhill Consistently?”


No, I don’t believe the Earth is flat but at my age, I need all the gravitational help I can get just to motivate myself…that might have been more figurative than physical…or not.

I saw the title on a stupid meme in and amongst other stupid memes I read today.  I  was perusing them due to lack of gravitational motivation as I waited for a friend to load and haul away my tractor.  The tractor must be a product of flat earth science.   For some reason, the meme resonated and sent me down a pig trail in my mind.

Did I just accuse Flat Earthers of being stupid?  No, I just don’t agree with their particular brand of science.  The meme did seem more of an attempt at humor…unlike others I’ve seen recently.  I’ve got to where I can’t recognize humor anymore.  Many people are posting propaganda so bizarre it should be humor.  I find their beliefs so sad.  Biggly so.  Don’t you people ever do any research?

Image result for flat earth meme

People are posting memes as truth that appears to have come from the Weekly World News.  What a severed leg didn’t hop its way into a hospital emergency room?  Duck hunters didn’t shoot down an angel?  I did see an old headline that gave me pause, “Face of Satan Seen Over US Capitol.”  Yeah, that one had me wondering but didn’t he land in Viet Nam?  It did say over and not in.

I enjoyed the Weekly World News. RT @AcidEater_Fusao: Face of Satan and Jesus #WeeklyWorldNews https://t.co/DRaW8QZXsd

I called someone on an untruth.  A derogatory meme directed at a millennial.  I posted, with citing, how untrue it was.  My time spent at research didn’t matter and my attempt to win friends and influence enemies went for naught.  His mind was made up and didn’t want to be confused with the facts.  His logic, “If she didn’t say what was attributed, she had said something else equally as stupid.”  My belief is she is everything my friend fears; a strong female, educated, and brown.

I saw a quote further pushing me down my pig trail…I thought about my children and grandchildren and generations to come.  I recognized it wasn’t humor.  A quote by Cicero, the Roman statesmen just before he was assassinated in 43 BCE or for those of you who think there is some cabal attempting to eliminate Christianity, 43 BC.  Anyway, his quote was made the same year as his death, “Times are bad. Children no longer obey their parents, and everyone is writing a book.”  My thought was that two thousand and sixty-three years later I could make the same quote. I won’t because a small part of me believes there might be a correlation between the quote and his assassination…and I’m writing another book.

I can’t deny that “some” children seem rude and disrespectful.  They seem to be the only ones we focus on.  We don’t seem to want to focus on all the young folks that are doing wonderful things.   They don’t seem to be worthy of our time nor do they fit our discordance.

“Well, there aren’t any are there?”  Good kids I mean.  After all, the youth of today are liberally educated (another term for stupid I guess), unmotivated, lazy, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera, ad nauseum.”  No, I don’t believe that. I believe there is youth, in great numbers, who are educated, motivated, with a great work ethic…and damn your damnation of liberal education.  Their sin is they do it differently than we did.  They must do it differently, the world of today is different and despite your best efforts, will continue to change…as it always has.

The loudest shouts seem to be coming from my own generation.  The same late baby boomers who thought go go boots and granny glasses were cool.  As children, chased after trucks emitting fumes to kill mosquitoes.  We broke our ankles wearing platform shoes as teens and college students, played with sea monkeys while bouncing super balls to the light of a Lava lamp.  Should I leave out dropping acid and smoking weed while making love, not war?   Say nothing Gen Xers, two words, “The Mullet.”

mullet meme | Go ahead, bro..., Mullet over.

It’s almost as if the Boomers and Gen Xers think the world is going to hell as soon as we cross over to wherever we cross over too.  The world will probably end not due to the present generation but due to our own blindness and stupidity…and our greed.

Before the sun sets for the last time on humanity and if the present generation is so stupid, who are you going to get to program your next phone, remote or computer software?

Image result for old folks programing phone meme

Today’s generation is different…the same way we were different than the previous one.  Our parents thought we were headed for nothing, but they pushed and prodded.  They instilled a belief we could be better than they were and some of us were.  It seems to me that many of my generation and the next have forgotten that, choosing instead to malign and accuse rather than build.  We sit back on our ivory thrones and shake our heads and point fingers.  We discount different as stupid, that thinking outside of the box is somehow a communist plot.  To have a different thought is to commit treason.  We view a mistake as impossible to overcome and return repeatedly to point it out, picking at it until it bleeds.  I remember how we going to change the world.  We did, but I’m not sure if it was for the good of future generations.

I’m not going use a paintbrush and broadly stroke anyone,  but the complaints seem to be coming from one group and it is not the Flat Earthers.  They are friends desperately attempting to hold on to what is comfortable, the status quo, or attempting to return to the perceived good old days, “those thrilling days of yesteryear.”  Embracing an Earth that is all sharp angles instead of rounded corners.

For more foolishness go to Don Miller’s author’s page at https://www.amazon.com/Don-Miller/e/B018IT38GM

The title  “If the Earth is Flat, Why is My Life Going Downhill Consistently?” came from a meme at https://www.pinterest.ca/alfiepancakezz/

Title Image http://trn.trains.com/railroads/2013/07/lustig-movie-review

2nd. Image  https://braincharm.com/2018/06/29/26-flat-earth-memes-to-send-to-your-friends-that-think-the-world-isnt-round/

3rd. Image https://www.scoopnest.com/tag/WeeklyWorldNews/

4th. Image https://www.diylol.com

5th. Image https://www.pinterest.com/nerdybff/tech-jokes/?lp=true